As part of the focus topic “Strong queer network Germany”, we are organizing a network meeting on 12 July in cooperation with the Berlin CSD e.V., followed by a parliamentary evening (18:30 – 22:00).
The network meeting will take place from 3-6 pm and aims to connect queer associations, politicians and activists from Germany and strengthen cohesion.
There will be a particular focus on the current situation in eastern Germany, for which we want to develop solutions in discussion rounds.
🌈 Topic block 1 – Fishbowl discussion:
A strong queer network in Germany
👉Is there already a strong network? If yes, how can we expand it? If not, how can we promote a network? 👉How inclusive are your queer associations? And how can inclusion be better promoted?
👉How can I discuss with people with opposing (homophobic etc.) opinions without letting my emotions get the better of me?
🌈 Topic block 2 – East Germany:
Panel discussion with opportunity for questions and comments from all
👉How can queer people in eastern Germany be supported?
👉Is there a way to plan more visibility or events together in East Germany?
👉What do activists from eastern Germany need from a strong queer network? What resources are needed?
🏳🌈 With us are:
Alfonso Pantisano – Queer Representative Berlin
Stephan Lamprecht – City Councillor of the Greens (Ahrensburg)
Confirmed panel participants
Ulli Pridat – Board of Directors CSD Berlin e.V.
Sophie Koch – LAG Queeres Sachsen e. V.
Felizia Moehle – QueerWeg Verein für Verein für Thürigen e.V
Invited were:
Board of CSD Deutschland e.V.
Board of the LSVD Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
Moderated by: Chiponda Chimbelu – Journalist
We would like to invite you to take part in the discussion round and build a stronger queer network together with us.🌈
All participants of the network meeting are cordially invited to stay for the parliamentary evening.
💥 Separate registration is required for the parliamentary evening. You can register using the following form: https://forms.office.com/r/FFpLih9qNd
👉 If you have any questions, please send an email to Forum@csd-berlin.de
👉 You can find information on our privacy policy here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Akg9789HLXTbjYhBQRdJn73vfhMvOA?e=buIblW
With the kind support of Microsoft.