Multi-religious service for CSD in cooperation with the LSVD Berlin-Brandenburg, the Magnus Hirschfeld Federal Foundation and the Berlin CSD e.V.
This year, the author Nora Bossong will give the sermon at the multi-religious service on the evening before Christopher Street Day in Berlin’s St. Mary’s Church, which has already become a tradition.
Bossong lives as a freelance writer in Berlin and regularly speaks out on current socio-political issues. She has received numerous awards, most recently the Thomas Mann Prize (2020) and the Joseph Breitbach Prize (2020). “Nora Bossong is an important and critical voice in our society,” says Superintendent Silke Radosh-Hinder, who initiated the service, “her sermon will certainly be a great enrichment for our service – both as empowerment and for self-reflection.”
This year, Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner, Berlin’s General Superintendent Ulrike Trautwein and numerous international guests, including from New York and Ghana, as well as people from the Jewish and Muslim faith communities are also expected to attend the service.
Representatives of the Berlin CSD e.V., the LSVD Berlin-Brandenburg and the Magnus Hirschfeld Federal Foundation, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, who are involved in HIV prevention, and the MANEO anti-violence project will also be taking part.
On Saturday, July 27, the Protestant Church in Berlin will be represented at CSD Berlin Pride with its own truck under the motto “LOVE DOES THE SOUL GOOD”.
General Superintendent Ulrike Trautwein, Superintendent Silke Radosh-Hinder and many other supporters will also be taking part in the demonstration.