3. July 2024 | 19:00 h | Connecting Passions

Queer Dating – FLINTA* edition

Are you ready for a WLINTA* Dating night at Curly Bar on Wednesday 24. July from 7 pm? 
We welcome all Women, Lesbians, Inter, Non-Binary, Trans*, Agender as well as all Sapphic babes no matter how you present for an evening of mingling. 

momo will open the space at 7.30 pm with an introduction followed by inviting everyone to place themselves along an imaginary spectrum showing preferences to find peeps with similar interests and viewpoints. After around 1,5 hours you are invited to free flow, to continue connecting to those who caught your attention or to simply enjoy another drink at the bar. We are looking forward to having a cozy and cute evening together!  

Language: English [with support to translate into German possible] 
Time: 7 – 9 pm, 1,5 hours facilitated + open end free flow  
Place: Curly Bar, Adolfstraße 17, 13347 Berlin [Wedding] 
Date: Wednesday 03.07.2024 Facilitator: momo 
Price: 5 – 15 Euros per Person 
Accessibility: There is a ramp to enter, the entrance door is about 90cm wide. There is no Wheelchair accessible toilet. We expect this event to be rather sound intense with a maximum of 20 participants in one room. You can take a break in the first room or outside at any time.

About the facilitator
My name is momo (momo/they/she) and I simply love to connect people in many different ways. I host the Connection Spaces at the sober Lemonade Queers events at Schwuz as well as taking care of Awareness and a Quiet Room there. I have taken trainings centering consent, accountability, gender & race, cultural appropriation and critical whiteness. 

Contact & more info momo@connectingpassions.de

3. July 2024 , 19:00 h
Curly Bar, Adolfstraße 17, 13347 Berlin [Wedding] 
5 - 15 Euros per Person 
more information