As part of the 50th Berlin Seniors’ Week and the 3rd Pride Month Berlin, we cordially invite you to a workshop:
Queer living in old age: How do we move from dreams to facts?
What is the status of previous projects?
What expectations do we have of politics and administration?
How can we improve the situation of FLINTA* on the Berlin housing market?
Situation reports and suggestions:
Jutta Brambach, Rad und Tat Berlin gGmbH, Project Management Lesbian Housing Project
Ulrike Haase, Network of Disabled Women Berlin e.V.
Marcel de Groot, Managing Director of Schwulenberatung Berlin
Stephan Machulik, State Secretary for Housing and Tenant Protection, Senate of Berlin
Ulrich Schiller, Managing Director HoWoGe GmbH (inquired)
Moderation: Dr. Antkek Engel, iQt – Institute for Queer Theory, Berlin