Liebe ist meine Entscheidung. / Love is my decision.
A senior citizens’ theater group gets involved. The queer senior citizens’ theater group “Rosa Falten” has already put on several plays and survived many ups and downs together. When Hans, one of the players, receives shocking news from his grandson one day, he is unstoppable and wants to throw the group’s current plans out the window in order to help. It remains to be seen whether the group will go along with Hans’ crazy idea. This event will be held in German.
Heidi Appel, Bolko Bartsch, Lucie Hartmann, Gert Löser, Hans-Joachim Matuschek, Martina Müller, Dietmar von der Forst, Brigitte Wiebach, Rosie Wilkens
Direction and theater pedagogical management:
Dietmar von der Forst
Martina Müller
“Rosa Falten” is a queer and inclusive senior theater group that has been firmly anchored in the “Netzwerk Anders Altern” of Schwulenberatung Berlin for 13 years and develops its plays from its own experiences. These plays are performed in various institutions and schools across Berlin. The players are aged between their late 60s and mid-80s.
Ballhaus Prinzenallee: https://www.ballhausprinzenallee.de/index.php/spielplan/gastspiele/liebe-ist-meine-entscheidung
Supported by: Der Paritätische Berlin, Schwulenberatung Berlin gGmbH