30. June 2024 | 10:00 h | TriQ e.V.

TIN* in old age – with Marlaine Mädger

In this two-part exchange, M A X talks to Nora Eckert and Marlaine Mädger about the topic of “TIN*in old age*”. Two people with two perspectives on the topic.

Trans_genderradio Berlin:
It has now been 19 years since Trans_genderradio went on air. Every four weeks we produce a one-hour edition of our magazine about trans* and inter* topics. You can listen to us in Berlin on PI Radio (FM 88.4), on the free radio stations Corax Halle (FM 95.9) and Orange Wien (FM 94), and on the internet at Blau Leipzig, coloRadio Dresden, Helsinki Graz and LoRa Zürich.
We welcome feedback, suggestions and information and invite you to join in.

Nora Eckert:
Nora Eckert, born in Nuremberg in 1954, has lived in Berlin since 1973 and has been a trans woman since 1976 (and has always been trans*). Works as a journalist and has been a trans* activist since 2019. Numerous book publications on opera and theater history topics and articles for magazines as well as for the internet platform Literaturkritik.de. Her most recent publication was “Like everyone, only different. A transsexual life in Berlin”.
Special interests: all the arts, trans* history of the FRG/GDR (with the aim of publishing a book), for more details see homepage https://www.nora-eckert.de/ [Source: https://www.transinterqueer.org/ueber-triq/vorstand-team/]

Marlaine Mädger:
Uwe Marlaine Mädger is my name, the first names deliberately without a hyphen as I see myself as non-binary between the genders. I grew up in Berlin, studied agriculture in Göttingen and worked as an urban ecologist in Bremen for 27 years. I moved back to Berlin 9 years ago and started supporting TrIQ 6 years ago. Not being stuck in any of the binary patterns has the advantage of being able to empathize and mediate with all people, so I mediate between genders and generations when asked. I also support people to move their Qi to become / stay healthy, I have been a taiqi person for over 30 years. How is it for me to take responsibility for my health, my age and my death. So I am organized with 2000 other people at artabana as an alternative to health insurance and with the idea of finding ourselves differently in old age, for example in communities.

30. June 2024 , 10:00 h

Listen to the episode via the link.

This podcast was recorded in German.

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