25. Juli 2024 | 17:30 Uhr | PLATTE

RADIANT VOICES – On Haiku, poetry and sonic readings

CSD Sponsoren 2024

Join us at PLATTE Berlin for „Radiant Voices,“ a captivating lyric event celebrating the vibrant spectrum of queer expression and creativity as part of PLATTE Pride Week. Immerse yourself in an evening outside of traditional boundaries, blending spoken word, performative lectures, and interactive art with Gorjeoux Moon, Nino Bulling, and Bär Kittelmann.

“Have You Ever Meta Haiku” by Gorjeoux Moon
Somewhere between spoken word, a reading, a performative lecture, and an artist talk, ‚Have You Ever Meta Haiku‘ is a deeply personal and unflinchingly honest journey through healing & recovery. It discusses queerness, gender, addiction, trauma, and the meta use of form to convey more than just words on a page can. Moving out of the darkness of rock bottoms and abuse and finding humour, light, and hope, it is as funny as it is moving, as entertaining as it is informative, and features live performances of ‚book-shaped kinetic poetry sculptures‘ — poems in which words appear and disappear as they move across and through the pages they are printed upon, revealing hidden depths, meanings, and metaphors. Gorjeoux Moon is a poet and performer whose works challenge and redefine the conventions of literature and performance. The interactive poems demand a hands-on approach, inviting the audience to explore and uncover deeper meanings through her performative engagement.

Sonic reading from “Firebugs” by Nino Bulling and Bär Kittelmann
Like a conversation with a good friend, their story is told as quiet as it can be loud. Crowds and landscapes squiggle in expressive black and white. Red cuts through panels with energy and persistence, bringing life to what might seem dead. In its most intimate moments, Firebugs asks what it means to transition in a transitioning world. Artist and author Nino Bulling’s practice spans comic books, spatial installations and publishing practices. Their approach to making comics foregrounds the emotive, political, environmental, and social perspectives surrounding queer and trans collectivity. Bär Kittelmann is an interdisciplinary artist, currently focusing on sound, graphic design and illustration. Their practice is shaped by a fun-first-hierarchy and being less interested in rules and limitations. Together, Nino and Bär weave the sonic reading with a narrative that questions what it means to evolve and rebuild amidst the chaos of a changing world.

Dieses Projekt wurde im Rahmen der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur” (GRW) mit Bundes- und Landesmitteln gefördert.

25. Juli 2024 , 17:30 Uhr
Platte, Memhardstr. 8, 10178 Berlin
The entry is free
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