Become a member

You want to become a supporter of CSD Berlin?

You want more culture, more politics, more diversity at CSD Berlin? You want to actively participate or be a “silent” supporter? Then join the association! Every year, the Berlin CSD e.V. association organizes one of the largest and most influential political human rights demonstrations of LGBTTIQ* in all of Europe.

Our success depends on as many people as possible supporting our work. Everyone can become a member. Membership costs 5 Euro/month (reduced 2,50 EUR/month) for natural persons and 10 Euro/month for legal entities (associations, organizations, companies).

It entitles you to vote at the general meeting and thus to actively shape our political work. And for our members there is every year a relaxing thank you at the CSD FINALE.

Register now: Simply use the form below
and send it back to zurück:

Membership application

You can find our bylaws here:


You can find our membership fee information here:


You can find our statute here:
