„Non-Binary Lesbians Have Always Existed“ (Jules Rylan)
What does lesbian* visibility actually mean? Which realities do we talk about and which do we still talk too little about?
Being lesbian* and non-binary are concepts that have always been closely intertwined. Questioning expectations about gender and sexuality has always been part of lesbian* history. At the same time, the concepts surrounding LGBTQIA+ issues are constantly evolving today and this raises many questions. Also in the world of work, when it comes to inclusive cooperation.
In this workshop, we want to take a look at the diversity of lesbian* realities beyond the binary and question the concept of being lesbian* a little. We will look at terminology and consider together what it can mean to talk about lesbian* visibility in the workplace without oversimplifying the complexity of the community. We also want to discuss open questions together and create a space for networking and empowerment.
Workshop leader
Margo Damm (no pronouns) is an interdisciplinary educational consultant and advises on all aspects of sexual and gender diversity. Margo works on the basis of a dissident concept of knowledge, which requires self-reflection and self-positioning and can be changed again and again in exchange with others.