1. July 2024 | 20:00 h | Philipp Leinenbach

LGBTQties Comedy (german)

LGBTQties Comedy Berlin produces various stand-up comedy events for queer comedians and friends throughout Berlin and Germany.
On July 1st, LGBTQties Comedy Berlin moves back into the Klunkerkranich with a special edition, the Pride Month Showcase and a fine selection of fabulous queer comedians.


Julia Brandner
Rachel Intervention
Anja Woot
Basti Bargeld
Host: Philipp Leinenbach

In support of the CSD Berlin e.V. we are looking forward to a wonderful evening with the funniest queer people the Berlin scene has to offer and you!

Let’s share love and laughter!

1. July 2024 , 20:00 h
Klunkerkranich, Karl-Marx-Str. 66, 12043 Berlin
more information