How do I stand and move safely? What do I have to consider in dangerous/fear-inducing situations regarding the perception of my surroundings? What role does my ability to react play? How do I behave as an eyewitness in threatening situations?
The focus of the self-defense workshop is on getting to know your own strength and ability to defend yourself and to tackle the fear of typical confrontational situations together. You should also learn to assess your own limits and set your own pace.
The course covers selected basics from the areas of martial arts and self-defense.
About the trainer Valerie Banik:
Valerie trains and advises on the topics of self-assertion, security and self-care. Her training is for different target groups: whether for kids, teenagers, adults – all gender* or flinta* groups, recreational or competitive athletes, whether for athletes or in professional contexts such as social workers. She works with a trauma-sensitive, holistic and positioned approach and has training and licenses in Krav Maga, Muay Thai, fitness, mobility, sports mental training and resilience training.
More info:
Premises of the Lurich e.V. association: