Statement on the queer-hostile attacks and incidents on the day of the 45th CSD Berlin
Dear Community,
Hello to all people,
as so often lately, incidents and attacks against people of our community happened in the course of yesterday – unfortunately also with us in connection with our 45th Berlin Pride Demonstration. We condemn hate, attacks and violence in the strongest possible terms.
Very important in advance:
We would like to point out right at the beginning: Report incidents! Seek help! Use your possibilities and rights, document attacks of any form, as long as it does not put you in danger or document incidents for the attacked, should you notice them. Seek immediate help in the aftermath and report it to queer initiatives like Maneo or L-Support. Be sure to also use the Berlin Police Internet Watch.
To assess the situation:
The CSD was classified in its overall situation, also especially with regard to the enormous size on the part of the police and other trades as “peaceful” or “mostly peaceful”. This does not mean that there were no attacks or operations. The number of criminal charges is exclusively “small” in relation to the number of participants. The exchange of all trades took place in good cooperation throughout the day and was permanently guaranteed by a joint coordination office. We as an association also found the course of events and the atmosphere to be peaceful. Except for two information known to us (Saturday afternoon) of a homophobic assault by a steward on a drag queen and a physical assault on a volunteer, the association was not aware of any other attack until the end of the demo, which was not already documented by the police. The CSD association has immediately contacted the affected drag queen on several channels. We have condemned the attack, expressed our sympathy and immediately informed that the association will bring this to the charge. We agreed to share the documented material.
Background information on the incident known to us:
With regard to the assigned stewards of the vehicles, we would like to inform you that these forces are not or were not commissioned by the CSD, and therefore also not by the association. The search for Ordner:innen, which is valid for the protection, is carried out by each:n Fahrzeuganmelder:in independently. That is for decades practice of a demonstration. Furthermore, after last year’s known case, vehicle registrants were also informed that the association condemns not only attacks and assaults, but also thought and symbols of queer-hostile structures. No such case is known for 2023.
Our request:
Should you have documentation of insults, attacks, assaults or similar queer-hostile facts. Please send them to us at We would like to work together with victims of misanthropic attacks to obtain criminal prosecution.
The day after the demo:
One day after the demo, we receive information about further queer-hostile attacks on the CSD itself, previously unknown to the association. In the current number two. Each attack is exactly one too many, should be prosecuted and punished by courts or the police.
Other incidents with a potential connection to the CSD:
The Berliner Zeitung reports that in Alt-Hohenschönhausen a trans woman and two companions were chased and spat on by youths. In Schöneberg, a homosexual man’s T-shirt was torn.
The Tagesspiegel reports that early Saturday evening, five people allegedly put up a banner with inciting content on the railing of the building complex at the TV tower in Mitte.
Whether homo-, trans- or other misanthropic attacks, whether insults by demostörende or in us known case, by a non-club steward of a vehicle, which reached us in the course of yesterday: We condemn all attacks, demand clarification and would like to reiterate that the queer community must be better protected by quick action of politics and the amendment extension of our Basic Law.
Note on our own behalf:
Any queer-hostile attack is unacceptable and never acceptable. We would like to clearly emphasize that the CSD and thus the association bears no responsibility for these cowardly acts. It is extremely regrettable that a few voices within the community are trying to use these attacks as a platform for personal campaigns against our historic CSD association. Such an approach is not only shameful, but also deeply wrong. Let us stand together for the fact that love, acceptance and equality are the basic principles that the Berlin CSD e.V. embodies. So often we heard it yesterday on our stage and during the speeches on the trucks: Let’s talk to each other and not about each other! And now it means for us: After the CSD is before the CSD.
Finally, once again the hint:
Report incidents!
Seek mental help in the aftermath!
Berlin CSD e.V.