20. April 2022

Berliner CSD e.V. will host 2022 First Pride Month Berlin!

From June 28 to July 24, Berliners and visitors to Berlin will have many opportunities to rediscover LGBTQIA* in the queer communities of Berlin. Because from this year on we don’t want to leave it at “just” inviting to a demonstration. We want to show ourselves and everyone else for one month what we stand for on July 23rd under the motto “United in Love! – Against Hate, War and Discrimination”, where we stand as queer people right now, how many we are and what still needs to be done.

“Pride Month Berlin” is a continued attempt to set long-term impulses, to initiate topics but not to over-discuss them, to change perspectives but not to fix them. The Berlin CSD e.V. wants to contribute to the multilingual, continuous dialogue with and within the queer communities.

Both IRL and virtual opportunities are used to create spaces for encounters and to provide low-threshold, low-barrier access.

The queer communities in Berlin are invited to join in. We want queer ideas to design these spaces, give space for communities to represent themselves, not only represent, but make representation possible. Pride Month Berlin is the official program partner of the 90 – day project “Cultural Summer Festival Berlin 2022”. Although we have much more in mind than culture. Whats private is still political.

“With this project and framework we set a foundation for future years. We create more space for our community, all’ your components and want to connect of course not only art, activism & culture, but Berlin to a real rainbow capital with a Pride Month and offers of all visitors:inside create. Possibly we achieve so that the CSD Berlin | Berlin PRIDE as a nationally known demo and not to be thought away Berlin DNA, gets more attention with all kinds of funding. On behalf of the board I would like to express my great thanks to our great curator Zoe Rasch.”
Patrick Ehrhardt, chairman 

Focus topics for Pride Month Berlin 2022: