Soul of Stonewall Award

Soul of Stonewall Award 2024

The Soul of Stonewall Award honours special services to equality and the achievements of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans people, intersex people, asexuals & aromantics, queer and marginalized groups. In addition, the award is also intended to convey content in the fight for equality for LGBTIQA* people and give projects increased visibility in a wider public. Since 2001, two to five people or organizations have been awarded the prize each year. The award is presented by the Berliner CSD e.V. association at a ceremony during CSD Berlin | Berlin Pride, which is organized by the association. The award is presented each year under a different theme. Since 2014, the prize has been known as the Soul of Stonewall Award (SoSA).


The Categories 2024:

🚀 Outstanding commitment of an organization – This category recognizes an organization that is committed to the community through special initiatives or projects.
🚀 Commitment to cohesion in the community – Here we are looking for candidates who are actively committed to cohesion and strengthening our community.
🚀 Activist Lifetime Achievement – In this category, we honor people who have been committed to the queer community for many years and have contributed to improving the reality of life for queer people through their activism.
🚀 International personality in the fight for the rights of queer people – This award is intended for activists or groups who do impressive work on an international level.
🚀 Commitment to Sport – This category recognizes individuals or teams who are particularly committed to promoting diversity and inclusion of the LGBTIQ* community in the field of sport.

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Our Jury 2024

This year, the winners of the Soul of Stonewall Award will be selected by a jury in five categories. The jury consists of a total of five people. We would like to thank them for their commitment!


Our Jury:

Lex Grassmann 

Lex Grassmann (they/she), born in Cologne in 1996, is a content creator and author (“sie lieben”) who campaigns for queer rights, self-determination and an open, shame-free approach to one’s own sexuality. Under @alexasearth, they are doing educational work for a quarter of a million people.

Monique King

Monique King is a committed activist who has lived in Berlin for over half of her life. Born in Vienna, Monique has found her home in the vibrant capital of Germany. For many years, Monique has been a tireless advocate for the queer community, with a particular focus on lesbian and trans visibility. As a non-binary person with fluid pronouns, Monique has become an integral part of Berlin. Monique has been volunteering for CSD Berlin for over 15 years, is co-organizer of the Queer Tattoo Convention, works as a DJ* and is also active in the legendary SO36, to name just a few. Monique has also recently become a board member of Vorspiel, the queer sports club in Berlin. Her passion and dedication make her a pillar of the queer community.

Jesse George

With professional stations at the United Nations in New York, the American Embassy in Berlin, the Tagesschau and many more, Jesse George combines his expertise in international relations, journalism and public relations into a multidimensional corpus.

Jesse sees himself as a bridge builder between nations, cultures and people. He creates programs and initiatives designed to illuminate, strengthen and improve global relations. His focus is on the transatlantic connections between the USA and Germany, but also on the African continent. Always with the aim of bringing people closer together in new and innovative ways.

Whether he is designing, moderating and producing campaigns, events, podcasts or other programs, Jesse George has a flair for being innovative and creating attention and enthusiasm.

Jesse is passionate about bringing people together, creating communities and highlighting issues that move people.

Jurassica Parka

Jurassica Parka has been an integral part of the German drag scene for 20 years and, in addition to film and TV appearances, she has become known for her YouTube channel. She is a presenter, comedian, podcaster and content creator. To see Jurassica’s entire portfolio, it’s worth visiting

Dita Rita Scholl


  • Androgynous Autonomous Autodidact openly queer, non binary, FLUID since 1979, active in women’s, gay, lesbian and trans movements, FEMINISTÌN
  • Performer, actor and actress (Und ist das neue Oder), theater (e.g. Volksbühne, Berlin) film (e.g. “Bruma”, Mexico/Germany 2017) and television (e.g. “Hinter Gittern” 1998-2000, “Babylon-Berlin” season 1+2, 2017)
  • Show(In the context of the gay movement of the 70s “Rita+Claus”(1979-1980), “TRANSITIV”(1981-1982) Chansons, German and French music video “cold star” on YouTube = door opener to the younger generation and to international contacts
  • Cooperation with com in Philadelphia with invitations to the FringeArts Festival 2017 and 2018
  • Leading TANTRA workshops for queers and men
  • 14 years of cultural work for the Goethe-Institut

Our evaluation criteria:

 The jury will use the following evaluation criteria to decide who receives the award. The evaluation criteria ensure that the selection of the winners is as objective as possible. 

📆 Many years of unpaid commitment in the community
3 points

💥Engagement has improved the concrete reality of life for queer people 
1 to max. 5 points

🌈Engagement has demonstrably led to greater acceptance of queer people in society
1 to max. 5 points

🌎 Commitment had an impact beyond the borders of Berlin
1 tomax. 3 points

⭐ Commitment despite the threat of personal consequences
3 points

💪Engagement led to more visibility of marginalized groups inside & outside the community
1 to max. 3 points