Soul of Stonewall Awards 2024

Soul of Stonewall Awards 2024

Once again this year, a diverse closing rally will take place on the stage – with speeches as well as artistic and musical acts. This year, the program will start at 1 pm and end around midnight. You can find the entire program here: SURPRISE ACT becksDrag...
Our stage program 2024

Our stage program 2024

Once again this year, a diverse closing rally will take place on the stage – with speeches as well as artistic and musical acts. This year, the program will start at 1 pm and end around midnight. You can find the entire program here: SURPRISE ACT becksDrag...
The CSD vehicle line-up 2024

The CSD vehicle line-up 2024

Jurassica Parka: Jurassica Parka is a presenter and entertainer. Born in Berlin, she is celebrating her twentieth stage anniversary this year. Of her various stage formats at the BKA theatre, the night-time talk show “Paillette geht immer” is probably the...
Speaker of Berlin Pride 2024

Speaker of Berlin Pride 2024

Jurassica Parka: Jurassica Parka is a presenter and entertainer. Born in Berlin, she is celebrating her twentieth stage anniversary this year. Of her various stage formats at the BKA theatre, the night-time talk show “Paillette geht immer” is probably the...
Handing over our core demands to Kai Wegner

Handing over our core demands to Kai Wegner

On Tuesday, we presented our demands to the Governing Mayor! We are sticking to them, because time is running out. We still have 1 year until the Bundestag is re-elected. After that, it is uncertain whether there is still a chance of including queer people in the...
Inclusion at the Berliner CSD

Inclusion at the Berliner CSD

Do you have a request regarding the inclusion at the Berlin CSD?  For example, do you want to find out about travel on the BVG bus for older people and queer people with disabilities, or do you have an inquiry about the two grandstands for people with disabilities?...